Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Project Maldives - Results

Finally its the end of 4th week liau!!! Another 2 days and I am off to the Maldives.
From the photo above, you'll know why I started the 4 weeks regime. I am not Cheong Kar Fai but at least I am not like Day 0. Nanti spoil saja all the pics there. Maybe will spoil also because of all the buffet!!!

Im pretty much satisfied with the result despite all the limitations. It is all possible if you put your mind to it, and stick with it. Below is the progressive results.

So it is definitely doable. I almost gave up after week 2/3. There is so little progress, and there is no gym at my area for more intense workout. I had to stick with home workouts, but Im glad I stuck with it will week 4. Small little difference do matter.

Next up - Maldives itself!!!!!

Friday, 18 October 2013

Project Maldives

No time to update backlogs, so might as well start off with the ongoing.
I am currently in Project Maldives. Yups, the Maldives. Will be flying there early November. Woohoo!!!
Pre and Post Wedding Honeymoon. Pre because I havent legally register the marriage, Post because I've done all those (well, not all) Chinese rites and rituals.

So what is this Project Maldives?
Well, Maldives, like everyone knows, is about beaches, islands and seas. Places like these involves the lack of clothing and Maldives is supposedly very scenic. I do not want my un-scenic body to ruin whatever is scenic there. Here is my early month photo for you to judge.

No good right? Dem spoil man.....
Which is why I undertook this Operation Maldives. Im gonna go on a self-imposed, self-constructed 4 week program to get back in shape.

I don't think I can build mass in this short month. Neither I can achieve anything Baywatch-worthy. But anything than the above is okay right? Anything better I mean.

So I studied a few websites and wrote down some special diet for myself for this 4 weeks. Not those diet, tak makan, or only makan buah type, or starve urself kinda program. Actually in certain days I pretty much stuff myself. I do carb-cycling in which 2 days I have very low carb intake, 3 days of slightly lower than average carb intake, and 2 days of high carb intake.
I don't have any weights training equipment or a nearby gym with me. So my Project Maldives diet makes up to 80? or 90? percent of my plan.
I think they pay off pretty far....

So this is my progress photo.
Should be OK gua for a beginner without proper guidance. I am not into competitions so I don't really restrict myself too much. I do pace around the diet. Unexpected meals and buffets, sudden carve for desserts. Its all in there.

I am not sure how I will progress beyond week 2. There is still 2 more weeks to go, and I am starting to slack off. My meals intake is getting more random and unpredictable. Damn...gotta stick in to the discipline and hang in there!!!

My wifey Irene is also doing something similar; but more tailored towards her needs. Thing is, no one is the same, furthermore the difference is more between male and female.

I shall post the final outcome before I fly off. And hopefully I don't disappoint. ;)